Monday, November 1, 2010

Dan from Portland writes:

Hello Emerson,

You may not remember me, but I will not soon forget you. I purchased
some photographs at your booth in Portland on Labor Day. I was quite
taken with many of them. You have a remarkable heart and eye. I am a
business consultant who tries to integrate spirituality into the daily
activities of businesses mostly focused on the owners and senior

My experience with you at the art show impacted me greatly and taught
me a great lesson about how business really is done when done at its

I related the story of my experience in my blog – The Soulful
Executive – and added your website as a recommendation to those who
subscribe to the blog. I hope I wasn’t too presumptuous in sharing
that with others. I wanted them to have the opportunity to learn about
your work.

Here’s a link to the blog post:

I want to thank you sincerely from my heart for your generosity and
pray many blessings come to you and your family.



Dan Duggan
LionHeart Consulting, Inc

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